Course Information
Course Instructor
Section 1
What does safeguarding mean?
Section 2
Vulnerable Adults
5 R’s
Section 3
What is Abuse?
Where can abuse happen?
Physical abuse
Neglect of self
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse
Domestic abuse
Neglect from others
Organisational and Institutional abuse
Modern day slavery
Section 4
Duty of care
Written Record
Course Information
This course is designed for those who work to safeguard adults.

Course Instructor
Section 1
What does safeguarding mean?
Section 2
Vulnerable Adults
5 R’s
Section 3
What is Abuse?
Where can abuse happen?
Physical abuse
Neglect of self
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse
Domestic abuse
Neglect from others
Organisational and Institutional abuse
Modern day slavery
Section 4
Duty of care
Written Record